The Dam Strong Gym blog

6 Tips To Make Getting Up For The Gym Easier

Some people find working out in the mornings easy, some find it tough. Here are some tips to help you to get up early in…

Winter Bootcamp Offer

Dam Strong Shrewsbury has a new Winter Bootcamp Offer, Winter Bootcamps to help you get fit and be Dam Strong. This training will involve fun…

Building Strength After 40: Yes, You Can!

Can you build strength after 40? Absolutely! Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience…

Dam Strong BJJ

Dam Strong Self-Defence BJJ Shrewsbury

At Dam Strong Gym Shrewsbury we are starting a new Self-Defence BJJ programme. This is because Dam Strong is a place where we pride ourselves…

What is Hybrid Indoor / Outdoor Gym Training?

Our gym is based on the concept of hybrid indoor / outdoor training. But what does this mean? Well in a nutshell this means we…

What is Dam Strong?

Dam Strong is more than a gym. We use highly advanced military-style training to ensure our clients achieve their fitness goals. Strong Body We use…

What is our story?

This is the story of Dam Strong Gym in Shrewsbury. Dam Strong started with a passion to help people in Shrewsbury. We are not any…

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