6 Tips To Make Getting Up For The Gym Easier

Some people find working out in the mornings easy, some find it tough. Here are some tips to help you to get up early in the morning for the gym. Do you want to be strong in the mind and strong in the body? Then a Dam Strong workout really helps.

1- Book your class in advance and reserve the spot.

The extra accountability will incentivise you to get up and train. You will love the buzz you get after and be happy you came.

2-Plan every minute of your morning.

The more unknowns and open loops you have will cause extra stress and not help you being efficient and might cause resistance to getting up early. So plan everything the night before, where your kit is, time to make coffee, where your towels are for the shower etc.

3- Get your gym clothes out the night before

In fact get your whole bag packed, and ready. Put your gym clothes out so all you have to do it put them on!

4- Set more than one alarm

Not just on your phone but get a bedside clock and set a back up alarm. ‘One is none and two is one’, if one fails you have a backup. Also if you put that further away from you it is more of an incentive to get out of bed to turn it off.

5-Use a song as your alarm

This helps if you share the bed with your partner. Sometimes the loud scary alarms are just too scary and you upset them too much. If you have a nice song then you can quickly turn it off and get out without disturbing or shocking others too much.

6-Just Do It

Make the intention the night before. When the alarm goes off do not think, just do. Get up and out of bed. This is a big win and starting the day off with a win will help you to feel better all day.

Winter Mornings are great at Dam Strong Gym

There are plenty of benefits of working out in the morning, here’s a good list.

Come to the gym for small group morning classes, you will have great fun and you will improve your fitness and get Dam Strong.

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