Why Access Only Gyms Are Not For Everyone

Today is June 1st, and as I reflect on my 15 years as a personal trainer, I can’t help but address a common challenge many people face when it comes to fitness. It’s a familiar story: full of enthusiasm and determination, we join a gym in January, armed with lofty goals and a burning desire to transform our lives.

But as the months pass by, that initial spark starts to fade. By June 30th, over 70% of those who embarked on their fitness journey in January will have already abandoned their efforts. It’s disheartening, but it’s not their fault.

I’ve come to understand that the key to sustainable fitness lies in more than just finding the right “program” or having the best intentions. It’s about embracing consistency – the act of showing up day after day, even when motivation wanes and life throws obstacles in our way.

During my 15-year tenure as a personal trainer, I’ve witnessed firsthand the factors that contribute to long-term success:

1️⃣ Discovering an exercise you genuinely enjoy, one that doesn’t feel like a chore but rather a rewarding experience.
2️⃣ Establishing a set schedule for your workouts, treating them as essential appointments in your calendar.
3️⃣ Seeking accountability and support from a coach or training buddy who holds you to your commitments.

Fit People Do This

Take a moment to think about the fittest person you know. I bet they love their chosen workout, maintain a consistent routine, and have built a community around their fitness journey. They aren’t extraordinary beings with endless willpower or abundant free time – they’ve simply figured out what works for them and created a support system that keeps them on track.

This is where many conventional gyms fall short. They offer access to state-of-the-art equipment, but they often lack the essential ingredients that foster long-term engagement and results. They fail to provide the personalized guidance and accountability that individuals need to thrive.

Outdoor gym

But here at Dam Strong Gym, we’re different.

We believe that access to equipment is just the beginning. Our approach centers around coaching – guiding and supporting individuals to unleash their true potential. We understand that each person is unique, and that’s why our team of experienced coaches is dedicated to creating tailored plans that align with your goals and preferences.

By joining our community, you’ll discover the power of coaching and the transformative impact it can have on your fitness journey. We’re committed to helping you find an activity you love, scheduling your workouts for success, and providing the accountability you need to stay on track.

July Training

This July, let’s break free from the statistics. Let’s embark on a fitness journey that goes beyond the short-lived enthusiasm of New Year’s resolutions. Choose Dam Strong Gym, where we believe in the power of coaching to create lasting change.

Try our Personal Training to really help you to achieve your goals quicker. For more tips on outdoor training visit BMF.

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