Unleash Your Strength at the Dam Strong Games!

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating fitness adventure like no other! We are thrilled to announce the Dam Strong Summer Games 2023, right here in Shrewsbury.

Every year, athletes worldwide gear up for the CrossFit Games, Kona Ironman and World Championships in each every sport. At Dam Strong Gym, we’ve taken inspiration from these epic events and infused it with our own unique essence. We believe in challenging ourselves, supporting each other, and celebrating every step of our own journey.

More Than Just a Competition

The Dam Strong Games are not about battling it out with hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Instead, it’s a remarkable opportunity to redefine your limits, elevate your fitness, and be part of the close-knit Dam Strong community.

A Showdown of Strength and Spirit

This is how the Dam Strong Games will rock your world: we’ll divide you into two formidable teams, each led by a passionate Team Captain and armed with a quirky team name. Your mission? Earn points for your team through participation, triumphing in events, and displaying unwavering spirit.

An Epic 6-Week Journey

Over six intense weeks, we’ll unveil a series of challenging and innovative workouts. The first week is test week, designed by our head coach Nathan. We will re test these at week three and six. But don’t worry, we’re not stopping there! Each week from week two onwards there will be a fitness challenge!

Scoring System Made Fun

The Dam Strong Games scoring system is both exciting and fair. Here’s how you’ll rack up those points for your team:

  • Class Attendance (1 Point): Each class you attend your team gains a valuable point (every time).
  • PT Attendance (3 points): Achieve your goals quicker, work with a professional 1:1. You also earn extra points for your team!
  • Do the weekly challenge (5 points): Complete the weekly challenge and get 5 points!
  • Come Top 3 (1 point): If you prove your mettle and finish among the Top 3 male or female clients at Dam Strong Gym for any challenge or test, your team pockets an extra point.
  • Do the Tests (2 points): Each test week do the work, get the tests done. See your improvements and earn points for your team.
  • % Improvements (TBC points): It is all about you, if you improve no matter how small we care about it. That is why we talk about % improvements. Improve and you will earn points for your team.
  • Attend a Client Check-in (5 points): Your goals matter to us! Booking a goal review and check-in with a coach will earn your team a 5 extra points.
  • Holiday Workouts (10 points): When you are away on holiday we want you to keep your fitness up (and not miss out on the fun!) so we will issue you with holiday workouts, if you do them you get 10 points for your team.

Bonus Spirit Points

Show your team spirit loud and proud! The team that makes the most noise, shows the most pride, and dominates social media each week will enjoy bonus points.

  • Tag Dam Strong on social media (5 points): Per week if you tag the gym in a post you will get extra points.
  • Re-post Dam Strong on social media (5 points): Each week if you share a post you will earn extra points.
  • Bring a Friend (5 points): For every friend you bring to class or PT you will get 5 points per person.
  • A Friend Joins On-Ramp (10 points): If a friend joins then they will be added to your team AND you get 10 points!
  • Complete a 5* Google Review: Reviews always help. Please go onto google and give is an honest review. 5 stars makes 5 points!

Claim Your Glory

The Dam Strong Games aren’t just about points and competition. We’ll be rewarding participants with random weekly draws for exciting prizes. But the ultimate glory awaits the winning team—eternal recognition on a banner proudly displayed in our gym. Your team’s achievement will serve as an inspiration for future participants, sparking their determination to conquer the Dam Strong Games and etch their names in history.

Join the Dam Strong Movement!

The Dam Strong Games promise an experience like no other—a blend of grit, joy, and growth. It’s your chance to test your limits, find your strength, and be part of a community that celebrates every success!

Are you ready to embrace the Dam Strong spirit? Mark your calendars, gather your determination, and brace yourself for the ultimate fitness showdown—the Dam Strong Games! Let’s be Dam Strong together!

Start here

Book a free intro today so we can learn all about you, your goals and how we can help you reach them
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